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How to create and present amazing presentations at work and at conferences.

Learn to use your strengths to get over stage fright.

Teaches participants how to eliminate traumatic triggers and empower survivors of all traumas.

This is a presentation of Amy Marschak's uplifting one woman play about family secrets and it is followed by a Q & A.
Amy Marschak's presentations are entertaining and interactive.
The audience walks away having easily learned on a viseral and experiencial level.

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“Amy Marschak’s artful commitment to my excellence has empowered me to really
speak with authenticity and presence.”
-Jack Salomone,
Life Coach
“I appreciate Amy's ability to keep the energy up and keep it interesting.”
-Linda Anderson, Professional Assistant
“My prepared presentation was transformed from an "interesting talk" to an engaging, heartfelt
performance that left my audience wanting to hear more. Thanks Amy!!”
-Paul Johnston,
Communication Coach and Speaker
"Thanks for helping me to be more successful in making good things happen from the stage!"
-Ted Case, Professional Speaker,
Expanding Dynamics LLC
"...Amy really brings out the best in the people she works with.
Her expert coaching is insightful and invaluable."
-Dan Galperin,
Life Coach, Author and Speaker,
Soaring Potentials
“Amy draws people out and encourages individuals to stretch their
limits by returning to a place where we give ourselves permission to
BE ourselves and to always remember to PLAY!”
-Tabitha Pratt, Denver, Colorado

About Amy Marschak
Keynoted and presented at well respected Conferences and universities including:
UCLA, USC and the University of Colorado
Many radio, television & newspapers interviews
Her play extended 4 Months in Los Angeles
Presented workshops and plays coast to coast In the United States and Canada
Amy Marschak currently resides in Colorado